FAS Semi Autos

I recently had a request from a friend in NY for some guidance in making a FAS Rapid Fire pistol function reliably. I thought this would be a good opportunity to detail tricks of the trade for all of the FAS and Domino semis, as they each have their little quirks.
There are relatively few FAS pistols being used on a regular basis in the States. Those who know them, generally love them, but they do have reliability problems. Much like an expensive Italian sports car, when they go, they really go. When they decide to be hateful, they can be infuriating.
Domino was the original company, starting production in the 70s, and they changed their name to FAS (Fabrica Armi Sportive from memory, but my Italian is not that great) in the mid-80s. They are based in Milan, Italy. Various companies have imported them over the years, but their reliability in both function and for spare parts supply was sporadic, so importers did not last very long. Nobody has acted as their agent for almost 10 years now.
The basic design of their semis has not changed drastically since the first model was introduced. It features a top-loaded magazine that allows more rake angle in the grip without losing barrel length like the forward-mounted mag pistols (Walther GSP, Pardini, Benelli, Hammerli 280 and SP20, etc). Companies like Britarms, Unique (with the DES96U) and now Walther (with its SSP) have tried to emulate this format, with varying success. Trigger is designed to have a long rolling release, with either two or three stages. This is excellent for sustained or rapid fire, especially since the pistols point so well. The late Donald Hamilton apparently loved his 603 Center Fire pistol, and recent Olympian John McNally used a 601 Rapid Fire for many years.
I'll start by listing specific traits of each model, and end with problems common to all models.
Domino and FAS 601 22 Short Rapid Fire
Choice of ammunition is probably the biggest factor. The 601 does not like a lot of brands of 22 Short ammo. Obviously you should stick with target or standard velocity, as high velocity could lead to damaging the slide. Fiocchi ammo is most reliable, followed by RWS. CCI Standard and Winchester Rapid Fire Black (may not be available here in the States) can work okay, but here's the twist. It needs lubrication.
Contrary to all that is accepted in shooting, it seems that some Rapid Fire pistols function more reliably with oiled ammo. Many top shooters (when 22 Short was still used for Rapid Fire) would load their magazine, then take an oil bottle and put a drop on the middle of the top round before inserting the mag into the pistol. Obviously with the top-loading FAS you could do so after it was inserted, just before letting the slide forward. This extra lubrication seemed to allow the rounds to more reliably seat in the chamber. This fixes a bunch of FAS symptoms; the misfeeding, failure to properly eject, and most commonly the light strike (see below for more on that).
Also, some ammo comes with a hard, gummy lube. This can gum up the action and cause all manner of feeding problems. The drop of oil may not be enough to overcome this. It may be necessary to clean the bulk of the lube off the outside of the ammo before use. Dumping the packet into an old tea towel and a light spray of WD40, followed by a quick towel rub generally fixes the problem.
Domino 602, FAS 602 and FAS 607 22LR Sport/Standard Pistol
No surprise that the 22LR version is also very ammunition sensitive. Many people still maintain FAS stands for Fussy As S**t. In general it does not like American ammo. I have had most success with SK, Lapua, RWS, Eley, PMC and Aguila. CCI does give problems, and it seems to have a lot to do with the overall length of the bullet. The longer ammo rubs its lubricated nose against the inside of the mag body, leaving a buildup that slows down the upward movement. Obviously this results in mis-feeds.
For late model 602 and all 607 guns, the factory came out with a modified follower, that had a pin protruding out front to run up the inside of the mag body. This stopped the follower from fouling on the bullet lube buildup.
FAS 603 Center Fire 32 S&W Long Wadcutter
The most reliable of all the FAS autos, the only advice I have specific to this model is related to the reloads you may develop. In my experience it is a waste of time trying to get a decent group out of a solid base wadcutter. It seems hollow based are the best option for accuracy.
There is a tendency for the 32 to loosen screws. Something in the vibration under recoil, always double check grip screws and the front sight screw before a match.
All Models
Make sure you hold your hand over the mag when pressing the mag release button. It can easily ping out and hit the floor, possibly damaging the feed lips.
If you ever take a shot without the mag inserted, remember that the empty will now be sitting in the base of the mag well. The ejector is part of the mag. So the next time you try to insert a mag, it won't go in, and you will look like a goose when the range office comes over and finally works out what the problem is. Speaking from prior experience...
Getting light strikes does not mean the hammer spring must be replaced. This happens very rarely. In most cases the slide is not going forward completely, so when the hammer hits it pushes the round the last little bit into the chamber. Of course then the strike looks light. But the problem can be caused by a partial misfeed (which can also be in turn caused by the mag problem mentioned above) or a weak slide spring. If neither of these fixes the problem, the feed ramp may need to be polished, or in some cases filed to a more gradual angle so the nose of the bullet does not push up too quickly and foul on the top lip of the chamber.
If one mag is not reliable, you may compare the feed lips to see if one has been bent out of shape.
When adjusting the trigger it is possible to have too little first stage, or takeup movement. If you shorten this movement too much, the trigger transfer bar does not have room to reset itself, and the trigger will simply not engage.
When the gun gets a lot of fouling, there could be a problem with the trigger not re-setting itself. If you squeeze the trigger and there is nothing there (no stages, and nothing happens), chances are if you release and pull, release and pull a few times, it will eventually fire. When this happens, the slot that the trigger transfer bar slides along will have a buildup of possibly carbon and gun oil, creating a sticky paste. This paste prevents the bar from springing upwards to re-set and come into contact with the sear pin. It is simply a matter of stripping the pistol and cleaning the slot inside the frame. Of course, if you let it get to that stage, you may have a costly alibi in a match. It pays not to use too thick a gun oil; a light coating of a light oil is best.
I hope this brief guide is helpful. For more info on sight and trigger adjustments for all FAS pistols, see the Pilkguns TenP Files.
At 23/12/07 9:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for someone finally writing such a useful article on the FAS. I now have a better understanding of my much loved 607.
Many thanks
At 19/11/08 10:33 AM,
cancer said…
For years in UK I used 602, 603 and 604, and my wife had a 602 and 604. For us, they worked beautifully, having previously used Walther GSPs [me] and DES69 [her]. After the UK handgun ban, and eventually moving to another jurisdiction, the first thing I got was another 602.
That one has been the most moody handgun I have ever owned! I still haven't found any ammunition that guarantees a 60-shot ISSF course without either a misfire or a feed malfunction.
However, if you can find the right combination, the 602/603 is a fine machine. The trigger adjustments can take weeks/months to get "just right", and you have to keep the pistol clean - REALLY clean. But it sits perfectly in the hand, gives a low sight-base, recoil movement is minimal, and balances well.
It certainly worked for me for years in RAF and Combined Services Teams ;-)
At 1/12/08 4:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
I competed at all levels, World's, Pan-Am, other International set-to's, & N. American at various levels, from around '67 to the mid-90s. The 602 with heavy barrel-wt., was my most successful Standard pistol and gave no trouble at all! The 603 was my most accurate C.F. and also no trouble when cared for properly - as others have noted. However, its brass ejection drove me batty & I wasn't enough of an engineer to figure out a usable brass-catcher. So I switched to GSPs with their wonderful .22-.32 bbl. interchanging & a nifty after-market brass-catcher for the .32! Then I quit competing & sold the GSPs. Believe it or not, bought back the 603 from the guy I'd sold it to years before - still in pristine condition. At fun shoots, no one could match its tight groups. It was recently stolen but I have the 6 mags. Will it be found? If so, experience says it'll be rusted a-plenty.
Btw, I have my most successful ORF Walther GSP.22Short. The switch to .22LR happened when I had other things on my mind, & I also found that Modern Pentathalon now uses Airguns, & so I can't give it to a youngster!...And of course I still have lots of fodder for it. It handled anything with aplomb (except "Lapua Indoor" in cold weather) & cf'd. to the several other makes I've tried has NO significant muzzle rise. You have to see it to believe it. I'm told that conv'n to ISSF-legal ORF can be done and would sell it if anyone is interested.
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